Saturday, March 20, 2021

Dr. Fauci's warning

87% Of The States That Have Reopened Voted For Trump In 2016.

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At 2:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Florida has less cases than New York which did not vote for Trump.

At 2:16 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

When you look at Florida or New York, neither seem like a success. And Florida's Governor, like a lot of conservatives, seems sketchy in dealing with the pandemic.

At 2:31 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

See also this 'Ron DeSantis is at fault': Lack of leadership leads to spring break public health threat in Miami.

At 3:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see. So if it’s a republican flowing the actual science it’s sketchy. But when Biden Harris flat out say don’t take or trust the vaccine it’s ignored..

Covid death rate today in Florida which has the most seniors is 0.005% which ain’t shit. The rarest cancer is at 1%. The entire country is pretty close to that 0.005% death rate as well. The damn flu is at 1%-2% nationally. Compared to California and New York their “numbers” still seem to be higher.

No one discusses covid deaths anymore as they’re dismal. The story of it comes up is all about cases now. Well how many people have a case of the cold? The photos you see of spring break in Florida are be as they re from a couple of years ago. Right now in Florida as to keep things under control a curfew was set in place right at the start.

Only the democrat shit hole states remain partially shut down while you have a 97% chance of not dying from covid with an 0.005% death rate which is less than cancer.

Go read the numbers and then maybe you can come back with some factual responses. You prefer to just insult one side over the other instead of just stating what’s real.

At 3:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Before the vaccine wear one mask. After the vaccine wear two masks. Blow me.

At 7:03 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

Anon #1:
Please provide some kind of citation for your mere assertions about the virus. I know that's the way right-wingers do it on their sites. You may be surprised to learn that elsewhere you're expected to provide some kind of factual basis for your argument.

You guys should have learned that from the more than 60 cases Trump and his stooges lost trying to overturn Biden's election. Even judges appointed by Trump were surprised that Trump's stooges barely pretended to have a real election fraud case.

At 12:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

“ provide some kind of factual basis for your argument.”

Coming from someone that continuously posts and cites opinionated bullshit articles. Look who’s talking. Why don’t you start with dickhead.

Then maybe you can move on to other gov and medical studies.

Then when you get to California for example do some math.

California population 39 million. Total covid deaths in California up until March 29 2021 which is about 14 months since this started is at 58, 900

Now grab your calculator and do some math. If you need help with what a calculator and math may be use google.

39 million x 0.15% = 58,700

Now subtract about 2700 deaths from this year from that number. Leaves you at 56,000 deaths for 2020. Which is what? 0.145% which is also what? Less than 1%. That’s only with a state that’s half ass closed. Compared to states that are wide open having even less than 0.145% sitting at 0.005%.

Your “right-wing” bullshit can’t fuck with the numbers. We know you have an answer for everything. You live to believe that your a blessed genius. Those are actually the dumbest people. Go do some reading punk.


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