Thursday, March 18, 2021

GOP eyes voter restrictions across nation

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At 6:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Show some proof how anyway is restricted from a voting booth? It doesn’t exist. The same democrats that were against mail in voting fraudulent in 2015 after massive studies and investigations are the same ones pushing for this.

I’ll ask you again as I have on other posts.

1. How does providing an ID voter restriction?

2. How is an open door polling location voter restriction?

3. How insecure voting voter restriction?

Any factual answers except some smart ass remark and insulting republican?

Everyone has the same access. Drive, walk, bus, bike, Uber, cab etc. restricting access means do not enter.

Plenty of polling stations out there for people to vote as it goes by population per district.

Democrats are always changing the rules and or always try and change the rules so that it only benefits them and cheating. Your aaa would never admit this. But one of the first dumb asses to say mail in voting was fraudulent as well in 2015.

At 1:43 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

Not a single bit of evidence for your fact-free rant. At least cite a source, even from your right-wing political bubble.


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