Monday, February 22, 2021

How to be a right-wing demagogue

The Limbaugh method :

....He picked on Black people, feminists, and liberals. He called President Barack Obama the “Magic Negro,” and he called feminists “Femi Nazis.” Since Limbaugh died on February 17th, I have seen some people write about how Rush Limbaugh was “funny,” a “comedian,” or a “humorist.” 

Yet Limbaugh was the master of only one form of humor: the put-down. He had no idea how to be funny without putting down other people, including traditionally oppressed groups such as women or black people.

Limbaugh never practiced self deprecating humor, and there was a reason for that. If a White Conservative like Limbaugh were to insult himself, he would see it as giving permission to other White Conservatives to put themselves down, and that was the complete opposite of his purpose. 

Limbaugh’s biggest fan base was White, Protestant, Conservative men. Limbaugh knew who his audience was, so his favorite targets were people who were not White, not men, and not Conservative.

Fox News followed in Trump’s footsteps, and they got popular the same way. The Fox News producers called it “feeding the crazies.” They would produce story after story of some terrible thing that Democrats had supposedly done---death boards, illegal detention camps, or whatever. Then the Fox News hosts would talk about how awful Democrats were hour after hour. As they did this, their Conservative Republican audience felt better about themselves, and they kept coming back for more.

Donald Trump was a fan of both Rush Limbaugh and Fox News, and his rallies were of the same style as Limbaugh’s radio programs and Fox’s talking head shows. At his political rallies, Trump picked on Democrats; he picked on women; he picked on Muslims and Brown people. What should be no surprise is that Trump got the same kind of devoted following that Hitler, Limbaugh and Fox News got. Trump was using the exact same techniques. He was lifting people up by putting others down.

If Democrats really want to cut the legs out from under the Limbaughs and Trumps of the world, perhaps we should spend a little more time teaching people how they can feel better about themselves without putting down other people. 

People like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Beto O’Rourke feel better about themselves by helping others, like they have been doing for the citizens of Texas this past week....

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At 10:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

“ spend a little more time teaching people how they can feel better about themselves without putting down other people.”

Putting down people on this blog with insults and falsehoods is all you do. One of many examples your last couple of posts can’t leave a dead guy to Rest In Peace.

This is where magic metro came from

. I wasn’t really a rush fan but just shows how liberals twist words take them out of context and create lies.

At 12:38 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

Yes, I insult you right-wingers, but not based on race, gender, or sexual orientation. It's all about your stupidity and malice.

At 12:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooh the level of intelligence behind that response.

Are you psychologically anti-gender, anti-gay, and a racist. You spend a lot of time speaking and posting about those three issues. Spending so much time always bringing that stuff up. I can comment on astrophysics and you’ll flip to racist and anti-gay.

That’s your defense mechanism. Can’t argue or state any facts worth a damn. Instead you back yourself into a corner with your hands up as if to say oh no I’m not an anti gay racist lying fat prick that never states anything factual. How about we stay away from anything factual about you and stick other factual topics which you seem to consistently lie about. Better for everybody if you weren’t such a bitch ass corny keyboard warrior.

At 2:19 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

Thanks for sharing your bile with us. Speaking of facts, you're commenting on a post about Rush Limbaugh. Please point out anything in that post on Limbaugh that's incorrect.

At 4:38 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

Still speaking of facts, here's a reality-check for all you conservatives: do you admit that Trump lost the election, or was it stolen from Trump by a conspiracy so successful that no one can find any evidence of it?

At 6:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually if you took your head out of your ass you’d know there was and is evidence of cheating. With security footage and not just the famous one in Atlanta. Forensic audits are being conducted in certain counties in the contested states. Your media obviously does not report this nor do you read anything outside your bubble of five websites. Which if you remember on one of your posts pre-election about voter suppression I predicted the bs by democrats with mail in ballots and Biden’s 600+ lawyers which you probably never read. Now they are trying to force a voter law to try and do the same nationwide.

That being said I can understand why the Supreme Court refused to hear anything. Had I been one of the justices I probably would have done the same. So now we’re moving on.

As for your reply on how this is a post on Limbaugh I corrected that person’s comment on Limbaugh’s 600 million and added some facts about how much money the liberal media made. My second comment was to you calling me right wing, stupid and evil. Only bike here is what comes out of your mouth.

At 8:16 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

I called Limbaugh evil, not you. If you have a "famous" piece of evidence of cheating in the election, give us a link to something we can evaluate. Otherwise you're just giving us unanalyzed assertions from the right-wing bubble.

What was the problem/"BS" with mail-in ballots? That's always been nothing but a Trump lie. He pretended that so many mail-in ballots in pandemic was somehow questionable. And of course Republican voters insisted on going to the polls in person because the pandemic was just a Democratic Party hoax!

"Biden's 600 lawyers"? That's a new one on me. Presumably some typical bit of Democratic Party perfidy, right? "Force a voter law nationwide"? You mean a federal law to make it easier to vote? The horror! That would be bad news for Repugs. More people voting is generally bad for Republican candidates.


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