Tuesday, January 05, 2021

That bastard Lincoln: Not good enough for SF!

Letter to the editor in today's L.A. Times:

While a committee of the good citizens of San Francisco are considering social justice for Lincoln, it might review an issue far more close to home.

The early Spaniards who visited what is now California enslaved local natives and forced Christianity upon them. The church in whose name such actions were taken enshrines Francis of Assisi as one of its holiest figures.

Why glorify his name when it represents such oppression?

Louis H. Nevell
Los Angeles

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At 11:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why oh why does it seem that the majority of San Franciscans cannot get the fringe under control. First at the ballot box, then with these seemingly insane committees whose appointees concern themselves with nonsense while real daily problems have already destroyed the city?

I always thought when things got bad enough most working people would wakeup and vote and then call their elected official and say "enough!!"

At 4:39 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

Not fair to blame this foolishness on the majority in SF. It's just one dim, PC committee making us all look dumb. If this was on the ballot, Lincoln would win easily. Nor do I think the city is "destroyed." We need to limit our hyperbole in the Age of Trump, which, fortunately, is almost over.


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