Monday, November 23, 2020

Rob's comment:
Yes, they are Republicans. It's not just Trump and current Republican officials but the Republican Party's proto-fascist base that's contemptible.

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At 6:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Censorship,misinformation, using police and changing laws to further your agenda is what you would call fascism. The perfect definition of democrats.

At 12:19 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

Like Trump's laughable challenges to the election results, conservatives like you have a problem providing evidence for their implausible religious and political beliefs. You could at least cite something from Breitbart, Drudge, or Limbaugh to support that statement.

At 6:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ignoring your failed attempt at turning table....

summarized fascism for you. Line it up with the democrats actions they are he true fascist which you obviously can’t deny.

As for your “evidence “ the one that brought up fascist. With the “ Republican Party's proto-fascist base“ which you hate. Ironic that a lovable peaceful democrat like yourself that is supposedly against hate spreads it.

Why don’t you start off with showing your evidence of the republican base being fascist minus any opinions including yours?

What cornball would compare Trump’s legal challenges to the elections which is his right to do so fascist? Or do you just like putting up smoke screens and backgrounds like Biden that say “office of the president elect which doesn’t even exist?

Go ahead and show your evidence of “proto-fascist big man. I’m waiting

At 2:10 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

Your definition of fascism calls to mind what a Trump-appointed judge said in his dismissive ruling on Trump's challenge to the election in Pennsylvania: "Calling an election unfair doesn't make it so."

Even judges appointed by Trump require lawyers to come to court with evidence.

I ask for evidence for your assertions, and you respond with more assertions.

At 2:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

“ racist, sexist, and homophobes, not to mention the Christian crackpots who are a big part of the Republican political base“

Sure that’s your opinion. But you like to throw that “evidence” word around where is it? When you have no factual answer you resort to name calling. “Racist, homophobe” and so on.

Your already accusing me of all those things in your comment and you don’t even know me. First of all I’m not white. And the last thing I need is some full of shit white man preaching to me about racism. You sit there and just drop your labels when your ass doesn’t have an answer. That’s your easy way out. Never have a concrete answer you just side step.

So keep your “racist, sexist, and Homophobes” to yourself as it is only a projection of you and let’s get back to your fascist bullshit. Where’s your evidence?

At 5:02 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

I'm now supposed to provide links to all the evidence that Trump and his contemptible base embody those despicable qualities? Do your own research, asshole. If you haven't been able to educate yourself on what Trump and his base represent, nothing I can say will make any difference.


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