Monday, September 21, 2020

Trump lied and 200,000 died

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At 3:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don’t get where he lied. In the rest of that recording in the video that has been cut Trump says he did not cause a panic and was trying to lead.

Which is what any leader should do, military general, any manager, supervisor, and so on.

People were already In a panic buying up all of the toilet paper, cleaning supplies, damn shelves were empty of foods and meats. Just imagine if he came out and told people at the time they were fucked. That would have caused havoc.

When he shut down travel from China in January there were no US deaths. Yet the democrats that want to lie by calling Trump a liar want to lie by blaming him for keeping calm. Biden called him xenophobic when he shut down travel. Pelosi was in Chinatown saying oh everything is fine trump is a racist for shutting down travel from China. At the same time dealing with a fake impeachment ignoring the virus.

What democrats should be doing at least at a minimum for the citizens is tell the truth about the virus by saying it’s been handled well, vaccines will be coming out soon etc. instead of using it for politics. Then they can just come back and just say Trump is bad for the country because of 1,2,3.

But they are bitches. They lie and make crap up to try and get votes and go to court when they lose saying something was stolen and fixed. When in fact they are the ones trying to control fix and steal. That’s what you call a dictatorship.

At 1:22 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

Just what we didn't need: Republican talking points direct from Breitbart, Limbaugh, Drudge, et al. Only in that ideological bubble can anyone believe that bullshit. "Trying to lead" and failing grotesquely! He told Woodward in February that he knew the virus was very infectious and deadly. Instead of warning people and telling them what they need to do to protect themselves and their families, as he admitted he "played it down."

People were panic buying because Trump failed to tell them what the virus was and what they should be doing instead of stockpiling toilet paper: wear masks, wash your hands, social distancing, etc. Instead he was indulging in stupid, irresponsible happy-talk about how the virus was going to disappear!

The alleged China travel ban he brags about of course wasn't really a ban at all. Another lie, though with someone as dumb and delusional as Trump "lie" isn't always the right term to describe what he says, since he often seems to believe his own bullshit.

The impeachment of course was a lie, since shaking down a foreign leader for your political advantage is okay with Republicans---and then obstructing justice over and over during the Mueller investigation, which, by the way, is also a crime.

You are a perfect example of What Eric Hoffer called many years ago a "True Believer." Nothing Trump could do or say will shake your faith in this contemptible human being.

At 2:13 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

And he's still doing it. Yesterday: Trump Is Still Downplaying COVID: 'It Affects Virtually Nobody'.

At 3:50 AM, Blogger Mark Kaepplein said...

Meanwhile Biden used his influence while VP helped his son make millions from Russians.

At 2:06 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

Nope: A Republican inquiry into Hunter Biden and Ukraine finds no evidence of wrongdoing by his father.


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