Wednesday, September 23, 2020

The empathy deficit

Olga Khazan in the Atlantic:

It’s hard for anyone to comprehend the sheer horror of mass death. As I wrote in April, “compassion fade” sets in when victims are no longer individuals but statistics, and few Americans have witnessed something of this scale before. 

But there’s an additional explanation for this empathy deficit: Part of the reason this majority-white, majority-non-elderly country has been so blasé about COVID-19 deaths is that mostly Black people and old people are dying. 

Eight out of 10 American COVID-19 deaths have been among people older than 65; the rest of the dead are disproportionately Black. White people’s brains psychologically sort minorities as “out-groups” that stir less empathy.

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At 5:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A racist virus? You guys are out of your fucking minds.

At 1:20 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

"Guys"? The above writer is a woman. And I'm the only "guy" writing for this blog.
The Republican Party has been the racist party since Richard Nixon embraced the Southern Strategy in 1968. Trump is clearly a racist, which he demonstrates almost every day.
Racism is a subset of right-wing ideology, which is a lot like a malignant virus. Democrats will provide an anti-viral landslide in November and, hopefully, then kill the filibuster and create two new seats on the Supreme Court to make up for the one Repugs stole in 2016.

At 2:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about your democrat LBJ?

Look at how your lame ass liberal media states he was a “civil rights hero but also a racist” trying to convince people you can be both at the same time. LBJ was the beginning of democrats trying to consolidate the “nigger vote”

Democrats lame ass attempt of a bunch of white liberal people caring for blacks more than they care for themselves is starting to dry up. Every election and only during every election do democrats talk about race and racism.
Obama the “black savior” what did he do? Absolutely nothing.

Who keeps blacks down with extra assurance? Democrats. Who lowers the standards for blacks to go to school? Democrats. Who continues to offer blacks free shit for their votes instead of telling them to work hard and maybe get a job? Democrats. That in itself is racism.

At 4:29 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act into law in 1964 and the Voting Rights Act into law in 1965, both of which significantly benefited black Americans.

Both of those landmark laws were opposed by William F. Buckley and most American conservatives.

At 6:13 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

Doesn't take much research to learn about how President Obama helped make life better for black Americans. But Obama understood that he was president for all the people, not just black people. See for openers this on President Obama's accomplishments that helped black people and all working people and poor people, like the Affordable Care Act and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which of course Trump has eviscerated.


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