Monday, September 28, 2020

Donald Trump: A big loser


Trump’s story turns out to be pretty simple. After screwing everybody in sight during the ’90s, he entered 2000 in parlous shape. What saved him was The Apprentice, which earned him a boatload of money and formed the foundation of his flurry of licensing and endorsement deals over the next few years. 

But as revenue from the show faded, so did Trump’s finances, and since 2012 he’s been losing money every year. Long story short, Trump has lost money at pretty much everything he’s ever done. The only exception is The Apprentice and the licensing money it enabled—which probably owes more to reality show mogul Mark Burnett than to Trump himself.



At 12:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

“ Trump has lost money at pretty much everything he’s ever done”

Wrong. His income was $350-$450 million a year up until he ran for president. Even when Maddow thought she had a fake bombshell of a story with his 2005 tax returns showed he paid $38 million taxes with $150 million income.

I don’t really care how much the guy makes or his loses as all companies file loses as deductibles. Buying pens for a company is considered a loss. Just a BS opinion piece from a trump hater.

At 1:31 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

You "don't really care" because you are a member of the Trump cult. Nothing he can do or say will undermine your faith.

At 6:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are you ignoring that Maddow’s bombshell showed he paid $38 million in taxes? Why are you ignoring that one must file a financial disclosure when running for president Which Trump has done?

Let’s say for the sake of this stupid argument that trump has some debt. I guess that would make you and everybody else that owes money on a credit card which is a debt just as dumb.
How about you rob? Ever try to write anything off on your taxes maybe take some losses to get some deductions? Sure you have. Just a smaller number because your making way less than $600 million income.

All is forgiven most democrats don’t understand the concept of math anyway.

At 12:28 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

Assuming that "bombshell" is even true, it's about 2005, a year that Trump's businesses apparently made money.

On Trump's 2019 financial disclosure form:
"Mr. Trump’s financial disclosure spanned 88 pages and listed over 100 lines of business, including hotels, real estate and golf courses. But for all the numbers, the report offers only a limited view of the president’s finances. It gives no data, for example, about whether properties are profitable."

Trump has at least $421 million in debt that will have to be paid off soon. Since his businesses are now losing money, he will surely have a hard time getting loans to deal with it. He's actually a crappy business man; he only played one on TV.


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