Friday, June 21, 2019


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At 3:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Clinton administration including Janet Reno should have included soap and toothbrushes for short stays in their 1997 settlement Reno v. Flores.

If the democrats were so worried about sanitation they would use their energy to clean up shit and needles off the streets for its citizens. Why not make their cities sanitary and give US citizens(homeless) a toilet and a bar of soap first.

At 5:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are not suing the Trump admistration. They are suing the DOJ over what is stated in the settlement that was made by Janet Reno as AG in 1987 during Bill Clinton's presidency. It was his admistration that was sued for being unsanitary in the first place. Not even a toilet.

"Maybe you didn't get the news from Breitbart or Drudge"

I'll just assume that you don't read your own shit. Does it not say "settlement agreement" in your post? But I won't fault you on it. You may just be too busy as a loving compassionate person always willing to help those in need. shoveling human shit off the streets and passing out toothbrushes to the homeless citizens of SF.

At 8:47 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

You mean they're suing Janet Reno? You mean the shit Trump is doing on the border is all about the law? It's your boy's administration that's being sued because you and your president are assholes representing the forgotten white asshole constituency, which, fortunately is a declining demographic. I've been writing about the homeless issue in San Francisco since 2005. If you have some important information or ideas about it, let's hear it. Interesting, by the way, that Trump has been folding on all your issues, like immigration and Iran. Beginning to look kind of wimpy. Even Trump, who campaigned as a peace candidate, apparently isn't quite stupid enough to start another war in the Middle East.

At 5:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow such an educated cross-eyed response.

Liberals are suing the justice department over the wording in the Janet Reno settlement. That's what I said.

Let me explain something to you cornball. In the US congress passes laws. And right now have the majority. Have they passed an immigration law? Have they flown to the boarder to pass out toothbrushes???
They haven't helped anybody with a damn thing. So go blow them for some toothbrushes so that you can hand them out to the homeless citizens mr compassionate.

Who gives a Fuck what you have been writing about since 2005. Have you been passing out toothbrushes since 2005? Have you even owned a toothbrush since 2005? You cry about the president yet you wouldn't hand a homeless person a tissue.

At 5:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Russians stole all of the extra toothbrushes.

At 7:03 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...


The Democrats now have a majority in the House but the Repugs still control the Senate, though I think that will change after next year's election. In fact the House has been passing legislation all year but of course it's mostly being ignored by the Repug-controlled Senate, not a vote or debate on anything they don't want to deal with, which is almost everything.

The point is these children are now in the custody of the Trump Administration, which means President Trump and the Repugs are responsible for their health and safety. Why should anyone have to sue the US government to do its duty?

You made a comment about conditions on city streets, so I figured you had some sage advice to city officials across the country about how to deal with it.

At 1:27 AM, Blogger Mark Kaepplein said...

Back in February the Democraps were all parroting each other claiming there was no crisis at the border and Trump was making it all up. Instead of helping to address the problems instead of deny them, Democraps are complicit in the poor conditions from invading hordes. Only just this past week has Pelosi allowed a funding bill not loaded with unacceptable crap to go through.

I'll just leave you with the wisdom of Barak Obama on the border:

At 1:30 AM, Blogger Mark Kaepplein said...

BTW, the number of children who have died in DHS custody is a small fraction of how many children die in child protective services of many states.

At 2:46 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

The Democrats offered Trump and the Repugs a deal last year---it even included money for his dumb wall---but they rejected it.

Of course Obama was right about that. Does anyone disagree?

The problem Republicans have is the gratuitous nastiness in the way they're handling the border, which will cost them votes next year. Trump's approval/disapproval numbers haven't budged much in the last few years. He's not even trying to expand his base, since he seems to go out of his way to annoy different groups---women, people of color, Hispanics, gays. That may appeal to his Christian crackpot base, but it won't be good enough to get him re-elected next year.


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