Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Walk to Work Day: Paid for by the city?

Tomorrow's Walk to Work Day is staged by Walk SF, which acts like a SFMTA anti-car front group, though, like the Bicycle Coalition's staging of Bike to Work Day, exactly how much money they get from the city is unclear (The Bicycle Coalition used to get $50,000 from the city to stage Bike to Work Day). 

Both groups may now have enough corporate sponsors to reduce the city's financial burden for these PR eventsIf the city's contribution is so small, why don't they just tell us how much it is? The answer: Maybe city residents would resent paying for anti-car propaganda, like those publicly funded Pentagon recruitment ads on TV.

I tried to get some information about city money during an exchange with Walk SF back in 2013, but I got a kind of non-denial denial.

Yesterday I posted this comment on the MTA's blog item that tells us that the agency "sponsors" the event:

It would be interesting to learn how much Walk SF gets from city taxpayers---that is, from the MTA. Ditto for the Bicycle Coalition, though we know that special interest group used to get around $50,000 a year from City Hall to stage Bike to Work Day.

The same is surely true for Walk SF, which likes to pretend that it's strictly a private organization. Maybe you folks could tell us what they get to stage Walk to Work Day.

This would be a non-issue if Walk SF hadn't in the past, for example, contributed to the hysteria about the safety of Masonic Avenue while the city was selling its foolish "improvements" to that important regional street based on the safety lie.

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