Thursday, March 10, 2016

Cute Movement demo on Saturday

There hasn't been a Cute Movement demonstration since, oh, last month's pillow fight on Valentine's Day. But those adorable narcissists and exhibitionists are staging the Annual World Naked Bike Ride this Saturday.

This is serious stuff, you understand, not just another occasion to show the rest of us how cute and clever they are. The cute people have a Cause:

Our ride is part of a global protest taking place today in many cities throughout the US, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand and other cities in the Southern Hemisphere. Tens of thousands of naked bike riders are protesting the global dependency of our society and economies at the hands of the oil cartels. We want to emphasize the harm this dependency causes to our environment, businesses and social lives. Nobody is unaffected. We want to endorse more bike riding and our nudity expresses our vulnerability to these matters. It also draws attention to our cause.

Of course they will be on bikes. These are the Critical Mass folks who deliberately screw up rush hour traffic on the last Friday of every month to demonstrate how cool they are as opposed to all those squares in cars and buses trying to get home after working all week. 

But Shift Happens! Get it?

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At 9:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a very easy way to make the naked bike ride not cute. For you to participate.


At 12:38 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

Yes, but then I'm not an exhibitionist weenie-wagger.


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