Sunday, September 14, 2014

Bill Maher discusses Islam with feeble-minded liberal

Charlie Rose is the perfect lame liberal foil for Bill Maher on Islam. He's so uncomfortable even discussing the radically illiberal aspects of Islam, he keeps interrupting Maher. 

This is a serious problem on Rose's program. When he gets someone interesting---and not necessarily someone he disagrees with like Maher---he constantly interrupts with banal interjections or dumb questions instead of letting his guest talk.

On important issues all right-thinking American liberals are supposed to either agree on or shut up about, Rose is reliably spineless. Last year he refused to broadcast a conversation with RFK Jr., when the latter voiced serious reservations about the official cover story on the assassination of his uncle, which I blogged about at the time.

Thanks to Creeping Sharia

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At 6:08 PM, Blogger Talal Itani said...

Bill Maher should get himself a copy of the Quran, or visit my website , where he can read the Quran in English.

At 9:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Bill Maher and thank you district5 Rob for posting this


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