Sunday, November 20, 2005

Civic Narcissist of the Week

Many city residents are continuously congratulating themselves for living in San Francisco. The implication seems to be that mere residency in our fair city puts us in a higher moral strata than our less fortunate countrymen who live in Oakland and other heathen outposts. Yes, this is a fine city, but we need to get over ourselves and the pretty city we live in to achieve a reality-based political perspective. In a Nov. 15 letter to the SF Examiner, Neil Hamilton is our Civic Narcissist of the Week for providing us with a perfect example of this bullshit:

The wonderful thing about growing up and living in a city like San Francisco is that you really know how right you are. The more you travel and learn about other parts of the United States and globe, the more you realize how lucky we are to have such a righteous place to come back to.



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